Kummunity about Kuntry
Welcome to Kucoe [ku'ku:]
Kucoe made private conversations easy.
We provide private chat rooms on demand with all the privacy benefits as follows:
- no personal data exposure, no user profile
- room is private and content visible only to members
- you can archive your room to review it later
- you are free to delete your room completely as soon as you don't need it
- you can invite up to 15 members by email
- and kick off any member from your room
- timezone setting of your room helps to feel the context of the discussions
- comments are text only and don't support embedded images and potential vulnerable content
- quick overview of discussions day by day using calendar functions
- fulltext and tags related search available as text commands
- easy navigation between your rooms using UI function and text commands
Follow this link to read more tips
Click here for Kucoe features tour
Please comment below for feedback:
Date: 22-01-2025